Unlock ANCIENT knowledge & LEARN TO channel your energy to embrace the universal laws of manifestation & attraction

black and white bed linen
Manifest Your Dreams using a jewel from the 'Wu-Wei' collection:
Each of these artisanal jewels takes many weeks to make, are totally unique and are aligned, energised and dedicated in the light of a full moon.

Artisan Made Energy Jewels Using Precious Metals, Blue Sapphires, Pink Sapphires and Rubies.

Channeling energy to compliment health

Unblocking energy meridians

Moving energy through to the third-eye

Aligning vibrations with the universe

Powering up manifesting

Balancing positive and negative energies

Engaging mind, body and spirit to work as one

Improving circadian rhythm

Helping meditation

Promoting the feeling of joy and peace

Raising frequency

Releasing from attachment

"The Way never acts yet nothing is left undone". This is the paradox of Wu Wei.

Please note that the ancient spiritual practice of wearing a gemstone set precious metal energy jewel is not a replacement for conventional medical treatment. This jewel is for ethereal purposes only and no information on this website must be taken as medical advice.

No. 106 ready to box.

Batch of 5 Hearts nearing completion

'Georgia' on the wrist.

Energy jewels handmade individually by the Artisan to help improve energy flow, raise frequency and align vibration.

The inner calm and stillness of mind brought about by practicing mind directed energy flow shifts your vibration to a higher frequency, making you a permanent magnet for positive experiences, setting your life on the highest and best possible course.

Align with the divine. Manifest abundance. Discover directing energy with your mind.

Engage with the Universal Laws of Vibration, Attraction and Manifestation

Align your connection to the universe with a spiritual jewel.


An Artisanal Jewel for Energy Harmony

'All that we are is a result of what we have thought' - Buddha

The Law of Vibration directs the Law of Attraction, master your vibrational frequency and you will attract what you desire.

The Wu-Wei Collection are truly beautiful handcrafted energy healing jewels, made in the AdamB workshop by The Artisan, that align you with the universe, promoting well-being, balance and the natural flow of energy through your inner self.

Experience Universal Connection
Embrace Energetic Vibrations

These artisanal jewels will charge your Mind Directed Energy Flow (MDEF) helping to enhance your connection to the laws of manifestation and attraction, guiding you towards a harmonious life filled with positive energy, endless bounty, joy and enlightenment.

Get in touch if you have any questions and we will be in touch shortly. You can use the contact form below or via our social media.