Unlock ANCIENT knowledge & LEARN TO channel your energy to embrace the universal laws of manifestation & attraction

Since our "thoughts become things" — then we are ultimately the creators of the life circumstances we now find ourselves. Therefore we must be mindful of what we are thinking, if our mind is full of limiting thoughts, "I’ll never get that promotion... I’ll never be healthy... I'll never be good enough..." — then there is a good chance that we won’t, because our feelings of inadequacy tell the universe precisely what we are to experience.
This divine law of The Universe includes a powerful but often misunderstood paradox: our fears and inadequacies are seen as equal to our convictions and confidence. The "great creative force" does not discern between "want" and "don’t want." They all get served to us on the same platter. What we resist, persists. What we believe, gets conceived.
Then, what is the secret to directly aligning with the universal law of attraction while effectively removing any self-imposed limitations currently preventing our dreams from manifesting into reality? - Directing your energy to flow true through your body finally reaching up into your manifestation point - the central cortex of your brain, the pinneal gland.
This is one of the very best ways to raise our vibration, generate positive energy, and purify our intent, putting the law of attraction squarely in our corner.
The inner calm and stillness of mind brought about by correctly managing our energy flow shifts our vibration to a higher frequency, making us a permanent magnet for positive experiences, setting our life on the highest and best possible course.
Once we learn to maintain our vibrations at this higher frequency then we must form a clear and definite mental image of the things we wish to have, to do, or to become; we must hold this mental image in our thoughts, while being deeply grateful to The Universe that all our desires are granted to us. Those of us who wish to get wealthy must spend our leisure hours contemplating our vision, and give heartfelt thanks that the reality is being given to us. Too much stress cannot be laid on the importance of frequent contemplation of what it is that we are asking The Universe for, coupled with unwavering faith and devout gratitude. This is the process by which the impression of what we ask for is given to The Universe, and the creative forces can then be set in motion for us.