Unlock ANCIENT knowledge & LEARN TO channel your energy to embrace the universal laws of manifestation & attraction

As already mentioned Aquired Energy is the energy you gain everyday through your lifestyle: the things you eat and drink, the things you see, feel, hear, speak and even think.

Nutrition in Traditional Chinese Medicine does not take into account calories, but rather the nature of what you put in yourself and the effects it has on the body. We all know that the energy we get from eating and drinking is essential for a strong immune system and a healthy body and mind, it is therefore best not to ingest anything containing bad toxins which cause your energy to be diverted from its path to tackle the intruding items. Less chemicals (refined sugar, alcohol and processed food) = stronger energy flow = raised vibration = more power to your connection with The Universe.

If you are unable, at this point in time, to give anything up then remember - FOCUS - THOUGHT - INTENTION - Focus on your relationship with what you would like to give up, think about giving it up and intend one day to do so. This will help start restoring balance to your positive/negative energies and aligning you closer to the vibrations of the Universe.

Aquired Energy

To correctly manage your Aquired Energy apply your FOCUS - THOUGHT - INTENTION to the following Universal values:

Treat the planet and all life with respect

Look after your mind and body

Be kind to all

Do what you know to be right

Eat what you know to be right

Speak what you know to be right

Listen to what you know to be right

Look at what you know to be right

Keep The Universe close to you at all times

Make sure you have washed before engaging with The Universe

Dress in clothes you know to be right

Give assistance, compassion and kindness wherever needed

Be truthful and honest

Do not dwell on the past or on beings that have gone before 'Let the dead look after the dead'

Do not seek the occult or the supernatural

Take full responsibilty for your actions as they all have consequences

Most of the above is self explanatory, however two point deserves some further detail:

'Look at what you know to be right' - In other words be careful what you let in to your mind such as newspapers, tv, movies, radio etc. Avoid at all cost violent scenes entering your mind, it is of real tangible importance that your mind is clear of anything that can negatively impact your frequency. Remember that raising your frequency accelerates improving your Aquired Energy flow.

'Dress in clothes you know to be right' - the body has a signature frequency of 100, and organic cotton is the same – 100. If you put fabrics next to your skin with a number lower than 100 they will put a strain on the body. A diseased, nearly dead person has a frequency of about 15, and that is where polyester, rayon, and silk register. Nonorganic cotton registers a signature frequency of about 70. However, if the fabric has a higher frequency, it gives energy to the body. This is where linen comes in as a super-fabric. Its frequency is 5,000. Wool is also 5,000, but when mixed together with linen, the frequencies cancel each other out and fall to zero. Even wearing a wool sweater on top of a linen outfit will collapse the electrical field that surrounds you. The amazing aspect here is to ask why did they need to know about this 4000 years ago? (Deuteronomy 22:11 ....numerically this is important knowledge). So be mindful about what you wear as toxic clothing lowers your frequency; man-made fabrics like silk, acrylic, polyester, rayon, acetate, and nylon are treated with thousands of harmful toxic chemicals during production. Toxic chemicals aside, synthetic fabrics simply don’t breathe, and anyone who’s worn polyester on a hot summer day is probably well aware of that.

Energy Flow should be taught to young people as being able to manage your mind is just as important as learning to fill it with information.

You cannot change your entire wardrobe all at once but you can change just one small item showing The Universe your intention.

The fabrics you wear interact with your energy field. Ancient civilizations knew this, that is why they chose pure linen robes for their priests to wear; its a fabric with a high vibrational frequency that supports the body’s natural energy flow.

Focus - Thought - Intention