Unlock ANCIENT knowledge & LEARN TO channel your energy to embrace the universal laws of manifestation & attraction

Wu-Wei is one of the most fundamental concepts of ancient eastern medicine, it translates as 'non-doing' or 'effortless action'. This refers to a state where one effortlessly aligns with the flow of the universe achieving harmony and effectiveness not by forceful action but by the natural curvature of spacetime allowing you to enter a state of personal harmony and free flowing spontaneous manifestation. Following Wu-Wei allows the enlightened to stop dreaming about the future but to start bringing towards you all that you require in as short a time as possible with the least amount of effort, we now call this manifesting.

The ancient Chinese knowing that space & time is curved, realised that it was therefore possible to bring towards you all that you require for a happy and fulfilling life. They understood that physical matter (which includes all the material things we desire) and energy are one and the same, meaning that all things are made of energy, everything in the universe that ever was, is and will be is made from it. Modern people only learnt about the curvature of space and time when Albert Einstein published his Theory of Relativity in 1905 yet the ancient eastern peoples knew about it and practiced utilizing it 4500 years ago.

In ancient cosmology the universe creates itself out of a primary chaos of material energy and organized itself into cycles, placing your own cycles in perfect harmony with those of the universe is seen as one of the essential prerequisites for enabling a strong manifestation technique.

Originally practicing Wu-Wei (The Way) was reserved for the Emporer and his court as it was seen as a sacred ritual to only be used by the enlightened. Their fear was that the masses would use the practice to elevate themselves to the heights of power and riches.

Stabalising your inner energy vibrations stabilises your conection with The Universe.

Investing a little time every day manifesting with your Wu-Wei amulet to supercharge your energy allows you to rest whilst asking the Universe to bring you all you desire.

What is Wu-Wei?

'The art of letting things happen'

Breaks are essential for life, all living creatures need them. Even our beloved mother earth slows down and realigns during the solstices. Why should we expect ourselves to move at full speed when nature itself thrives on cycles of activity and rest? We also need space to pause, breathe, and just be. Rest isn’t indulgence; it is realignment. It is how we regain our energy.

Engage with the Universal Laws of Manifestation, Attraction and Vibration

Align your connection to the universe with a sacred jewel.


If you bring your Mind to a certain level of organisation, your body, emotion, and life energies (congenital & aquired) get organized in that direction. Once these four dimensions are organized in one direction and you are vibrating on the right frequency anything that you wish happens without even lifting a finger. It would help to assist it with activity, but even without doing any activity you can still manifest what you want, if you organize these four dimensions in one direction and keep it unwavering in that direction for a certain period of time.